Once upon a time, Hilary Clinton responded to a journalist when asked about her fashion preferences with, ‘Would you ask me this question if I were a man?’  Now on at the London Design Museum, Women Fashion Power (subtitled, ‘Not a Multiple Choice‘), aims to unpack the many layers of this discussion by exhibiting the various looks that have helped to shape the identities of strong women over the ages… going as far back as – you guessed it –  Eve and her little leaf.

The show stays true to its name, documenting some iconic looks of prominent women from the singer Skin to Parisian mayor Anne Hidalgo, from Jane Fonda to Twiggy, and from art curator Julia Peyton-Jones to architect Zada Hadid.  It culminates in a room at the end titled ‘Women and Power’ displaying 26 contemporary women and their fashion choices.

Women Fashion Power, until April 26th 2015
London Design Museum
Shad Thames, London SE1 sYD
(44) 207 403 6399