More hairy news from the red carpet – this time from the most unlikely place: last night’s SAG awards.  In general, the SAG Awards are usually a bit of a snooze. There’s no marquee host Tine & May, where were you?) and it gets a old watching all the actors pat themselves on the back for being actors.

One of the most nose-worthy trends was the shaved semi-hawk as worn by Natalie Dormer & Brad Pitt.  Who wore it best?

Here is some more nose-worthy news:

Kanye West launches an A.P.C. capsule men’s collection, very inspired by ‘himself:Kanye West is going back to design basics — and it’s working in his favor. He may be able to break new sonic ground with virtually any musical experimentation, but West wasn’t so lucky when he tried his hand at fashion a few years back… 

Vogue squashes the whole Lena Dunham x Jezebel x Photoshop controversy:
In a rather genius move, the women’s title shared, on its Instagram feed, exactly what Jezebel was asking for: an unretouched photo of February’s cover girl, Lena Dunham. “The Vogue pigeon. Any questions?” reads the caption… 

Beyoncé attends Michelle Obama’s 50th birthday bash – Jay-Z, baby Blue-Ivy, and poodle en tow…

Cavalli-designed Miley Cyrus’ Bangerz tour looks revealed…

L’Oréal and e-Bay bury the hatchet after 6 years of law-suits:
Cosmetics giant L’Oréal and online auctioneer eBay buried the hatchet on Wednesday after more than six years of court battles over the sale of counterfeit goods, a joint statement said…